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Competitive Age Chart

Competitive Player Age Chart 2023/2024

Age Group Roster Players Birth Year
11U 16 9V9 2013
12U 16 9V9 2012
13U 18 11v11 2011
14U 18 11v11 2010
15U 22 11v11 2009
16U 22 11v11 2008
17U 22 11v11 2007
18U 22 11v11 2006
19U 22 11v11 2005

4.1.2 The age of a player for purpose of league play shall be the player’s age on December 31 of the current soccer year. The current soccer year begins on September 1 and ends August 31 of the following year. If allowed by the Member Association playing rules, players who meet the minimum age will be eligible to play.